$9.99 USD

Manifest a specific amount $$$

Do you want more money ? Of course you do. We all do.

This is one of the most important thing in the world because it's the door to more freedom and options no matter what people say. Money gives you more opportunities and choices.

This is the exact activation I used that helped me manifest 6K monthly.

The key is to decide before the visualisation that you want to connect with your heart desire in a strong way. This helps you get ready, so during the meditation you can easily feel abundant and safe.

I recommend to listen to this visualization for 30 days in a row, each morning when you wake up, and right before you fall asleep.

Try to not sleep.

Never listen when you are driving.

What People Are Saying:

I’m noticing that more money is coming my way. Friend sent me money. Suddenly I got a referral for a 1:1 coaching client. These came up suddenly & surprisingly. Thank you Pauline! This audio is healing me

I have been using this visualization for a few days and I got a $2000 check from my insurance company. This is the first time this has happened to me!

Thanks to this activation I was able to attract $500 within 4 days. Works fast!