$333.00 USD

Make Money Your Best Friend



✔️ Reverse your money brainwashing 🧠🔁 

✔️  Create healthy money habits

✔️ Stop being ashamed of the money in your bank account 🫣

✔️ Break your resistance to receiving money  

✔️ Understand the invisible world of money 🤫  

✔️ Stop stressing about paying your bills & taxes

✔️  Generate more abundance & peace of mind (priceless) 🧘🏼

✔️  Learn to allow yourself to truly receive money (you’re blocking it in ways you can't even think about)

✔️ Stop your money sabotage ✌🏼🙅🏼

✔️  Resist to the outside world's scarcity pressure

✔️  Afford the things on your vision board 🏄🪸👰🐾👗💼🎑

✔️  Add 0s to your bank account balance 

✔️ Give more meaning to your life and this world 🦋

✔️ Be paid for your gifts and passion : you have something unique to offer bigger than you.

✔️ Understand how to monetize your gifts

✔️ Become a better human and actively participate in the balance of the world by creating money consciously 🧚🕊

✔️ Charge more for your services and offers 

✔️ Start attracting and stop chasing 🤸🧘🏼💫

✔️ Activate your financial power





Who is this course for

Whether you’re an individual, a single mom, a student, a business owner, this program will show you how to be a scarcity cycle breaker and a money manifestor. 


What are the modules of the program?

Module 1: The story of money
‍Module 2: The money brainwashing
‍Module 3: The invisible world of money
‍Module 4: The money blockages‍
Module 5 : Money and shadow work
‍Module 6: The right path to make money
‍Module 7 : Manifest more money
‍Module 8 : Rich money habits 

Why should I pre-sign up?

Pre-signing up gives you access to my special deal 70% off ($97 instead of $333) before I raise the price during FALL 2024. Use the code EASYMONEY.

Do you offer refunds?

The moment you invest into yourself and join Make Money Your Best Friend, this course will call you forth into your power and ownership over your life. 

What I will not do :

Give you a refund because you changed your mind.
Give you a refund because "life is busy’"(in other words: you don’t prioritize the course). 
Give you a refund because you never got around to watch the course. 
It's time to radically shift your life and your finances, and step into your potential. When you enroll you will be held to a new standard of being. If you’re not OK with that, then please don’t purchase from me.


 I am legally required to stipulate that I don't guarantee or warrant results or increased income instantly, it can sometimes take time (weeks, months, years).




What People Are Saying:

The free webinar was already crazy and I was curious to learn more. Not disappointed

This program is worth a thousand times what I paid for it ❤️ I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve created Pauline

I never heard of money spoken with so much clarity and wisdom. Just LOVE this program!

This course is doing wonders for me 🙏

Since doing this I feel so connected to abundance and have been able to let go of things that weren’t helping me, even after trying for years. I can also see signs and special moments in my life much more clearly now! Thank you so much for helping us grow Pauline

It’s paying off already. I wish I had this masterclass 5 years ago, I know I would already have a different life.

I made a sale for the exact amount of the course! I’m excited to see what happens when I really get into it! 🥲

Since starting this course I'm seeing more money coming into my life. I haven't even finished it yet, not only did my finances improve but my business grew, my health got better and I made new friends. Make money your BF is a life-changing program that helps you welcome more than money!

I've just received a surprising $475!! I’m going to keep doing my money exercises because it’s working!