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Tired of being stuck and not getting what you want ?


Been there. If you feel like no matter how hard you try, you can't manifest or change things in your life, you're not alone.

Studies show that 80% of people still feel like they are falling short. With a staggering majority of the population feeling the same way, it can only mean one thing : our lifestyle needs to change.

This is why I've created this 2 months Coaching Program designed to bring you closer to your goals (your manifestations) by giving you the framework & pillars to change and take baby steps to create your lifestyle.

I wish someone could make something like that for me when I was younger. I had to learn the hard way, that’s why I’ve created You Manifested That, to make it easier & lighter for you. 

I will share the most powerful things I learned and you will be free to create your own manifestation routine.

This program is your gateway to personal transformation and pushing you in the direction of creating the lifestyle you crave, showing you how to create lasting change.

With exercises, weekly calls for your mind, body & soul, you'll learn to align your energy with the right mindset & strategy.

I believe that you can attract incredible goodness and create a beautiful life !

It’s time to allow yourself to receive what you want

With my tailored guidance and this exclusive group coaching, you've found a safe place to amplify your personal power and make things move.



From July 17 until September 11, 2024


Learn to disconnect from the world and tune into this powerful coaching vortex to get closer to what you want. 

I'll teach you to:

  • Know yourself better
  • Change your limited beliefs & mindset
  • Feel safe in mind & body to receive your desires
  • Make manifestation second nature
  • Use your energy efficiently (don't waste it, it's too precious)
  • Use the power of your feelings to get what you want
  • Take aligned actions baby steps towards your vision and stop wandering blindly 


Get to know yourself, how your energy works, how you can be seen & heard and improve any interaction with other people. A tool that should be taught in every school.


Understand your current mindset and let change those limited beliefs. Get rid of your self-sabotaging.


Where the magic happens but on the scientific part of it ! Because manifestation is science.


Your ego is here to take care of you & to protect you. Any action that differs from your current habits represents a danger a feeling of non-safety. You will learn the techniques to make your subconscious mind (& body) feel safe to receive what you want.


Everything happens in the invisible before you materialize everything. it's like planting seeds, you don't see them and all of a sudden a little shoot appears. It's the same for what we want to attract into our lives.


Your emotions have been suppressed by society since the dawn of time. Learn to release and use them to manifest.


Having a calm inside out nervous system to feel safe and good, no matter the outcome. This is power and I will teach you that. It will affect all the layers of your life.


Change can be easier than we think. I will give you all the shortcuts and tools to create the new you in a gentle way. The secret are the baby steps you take.



Why a group coaching ? Because it's more powerful you take accountability with the program (yes, I know your flaws, I have the same).

This is a safe place where everyone is working on their manifestation journey so it amplifies your powers.

We are creating a group vortex that is very powerful. 

You will get :

_Personalized feedback & responsive answers with our weekly Q&A.

_The time required for course lectures & assignments is adapted to not be overwhelming.

_I will do everything in my power to make you feel supported & capable.

_The program aligns perfectly with your expectations (it's crystal clear).

_My content & teaching style are highly engaging. I always find a fun way to teach & make the hard work easier, to keep you committed.


As an Intuition & Manifestation expert, I believe that you can attract anything you want, no matter your circumstances or story.

It's just about being in alignment with life and learn to become magnetic to it, and I'm the living proof of what's possible.

Society may put us in boxes, but we don't have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve.

Join me on a journey of personal power, abundance and unapologetic confidence.




Have you ever felt like something is missing in your life?

Like no matter how hard you work, you struggle to get what you want. You are always behind where you (or society) think you should be?

If so, then this Summer Coaching Program is definitely for you.

I'll help you break down your limited beliefs to change your mindset and current life.

You will get to understand all your blockages and create your own manifestation lifestyle.






REGISTER only for $297

(prices will raise after summer)

From July 17 until September 11

  • Access to 1 new module every week
  • 8 LIVE group coaching calls (1h30)

  • Printable workbooks
  • Access to an exclusive toolkit (visualizations, breathing exercises, activations)
  • Weekly tailored Q&A