Use your feelings & imagination to materialize what you want


Visualization is a simple technique that you can use to create a strong mental image of a future event.

One of my favorite ways to achieve my goals and will probably be yours too. It's popular among people : from artists, celebrities, olympic athletes to entrepreneurs.

By creating a mental image of your goals & using your feelings of how a particular event will look, you can make that goal a reality



Omg this was so powerful! 

Woke up at 5am randomly on a Saturday morning and started my day with this activation... By the end of the session I was literally smiling. Thank you Pauline!

Erika S

Very strong and potent activation

I could physically feel the connection to my partner and the relationship I want— very cool. Felt a “sealing” of sorts of the frequencies. Thank you Pauline

Andy M.

Magical visualization

I could see many things & visualize. I am filled with so much gratitude...to you, to the universe, to my guides, to my own future self for this guidance and activation. Thanks

Heather D.

Was sceptical but it truly works !

I've been able to cut the unhealthy link that tied me to my partner..immense relief, I feel so much lighter! Some fears have disappeared, our relationship is even more beautiful now!

Joanna L.


Activate your

money flow

Want more money ? Of course you do. This is one of the most important thing in the world because it's the door to more freedom and options no matter what people say. Money gives you opportunities. This is the exact activation I used that helped me manifest 6K monthly.

Start to attract more money


Cut toxic connections with people & situations

The act of cutting unhealthy energetic ties that exist between you and another person with whom you have a connection. It doesn't only pertain to romantic or sexual relationships, it can be used to detach energetic ties from an unhealthy relationship with family, coworkers or friends. When you do that you don't "cut" the relation so it's safe to do it with everyone.

Free yourself now


The best day ever

You want to experience the "perfect day" for your birthday, a special event or an important contract. You can visualize the exact outcome and make of this day something even better than what you expect, before it happens. A bit like drinking an elixir of luck knowing that everything will align for you and you will get what you want.

Play with reality


Your dream home: it's more than just a flat or a house

It’s where cherished memories are made, where you find peace and inspiration, and where the simple joys of life are celebrated. Living in your dream home is a daily reminder of the beauty and fulfillment that come from creating a space uniquely your own.

Receive what you deserve


 Feelings are just perceptions, not your reality. 

Remember that anxiety and stress are often exaggerated fears or concerns about the future, we can start to see them for what they are: illusions created by our minds. The ego trying to keep you safe because it sees the situation as dangerous. You have the power to choose your thoughts & reactions. A moment to take your power back. 

Release the pressure


Your ideal love relationship 

We all dream of a beautiful love relationship and let me tell you that it's possible. You can completely influence the relationship by visualizing how you want to be treated, what you are creating together and how you feel for each other. Without questioning the nature of your love. Every day you can grow stronger together, cherishing the little moments that make your relationship so special and create a sanctuary where love and respect flourish.

Manifest a love that is right for you


Change the way

you look

-inside out-

Yes you can and you don't need plastic surgery. Believing in your worth and beauty makes you view yourself positively, which can completely transform the way you look and your overall health. You first glow internally to then see the outer radiance.  

Get the GLOW


She radiates confidence and elegance

The future version of you is visiting you to have a talk. By embodying her qualities now, you pave the way to becoming this future version and playing with timelines. Right now. Learn to "clic, drop and paste" what you want from her. A time travel very powerful.

Become powerful


Tapping into the power of your instinct and activating your intuition

 Learn to trust your gut feelings and pay attention to subtle cues from your body and emotions. Learn to trust the nudges and ideas popping up in your mind. By honoring your instincts & nurturing your intuition, you can make decisions with greater clarity & confidence. Navigating life’s challenges with more ease. You will find yourself on the right path and make choices for your highest good.

Learn to trust yourself