The universe brought you here. Welcome.

Hi! I'm Pauline. I'm a manifestation expert, here to help you create a life that you can't wait to wake up to.

I believe that you can attract anything you want, no matter your current circumstances. You can change your story and create a life on your terms. 

Manifestation is a blend of mindset reprogramming, energy & emotional work, neuroscience and behavior change.

I help people get rid of the limiting programming they've received to change "inside-out" and get what they want. I’m here to show you how to make your life easier & lighter, reach your potential, become friend with money and create a life you don't need to escape from.

Get to know me



Because this life is a blessed one. 

You Manifested That because you can attract things in life, for good or bad, consciously or not. Situations, people, money, opportunities, and so on. You can attract so much goodness from the Universe and create a beautiful life.

Have you ever wondered why some people seem so lucky and aligned with life ? They know about manifestation.

If you found me randomly on internet, that's because you manifested me, you attracted that.

I have discovered how to become a magnet to the things I desire and be aligned with my needs & wants.

I now want to share my knowledge and shortcuts with you because I'm on a mission to educate people. 

I discovered what happens when people are truly aligned with their souls and manifest the things they want : you can create balance, abundance and peace in the world.

We all have responsibility with our lives and there is a reason why we are on Earth, it is not a mere accident or chance. You have special gifts and a purpose.




If you want to feel more sane, inspired, guided. Learn to cultivate your inner happiness and fulfillment. Feel at peace with yourself and the world. Know yourself deeper and better. Become your best version and live your life on your terms. If you want to make your life lighter when things happen, to be like the tree deeply rooted when there is a storm. If you want to trust life and yourself even more. If you seek transformation and beautiful changes. Then You Manifested That is for you.




I believe everyone is worthy of having the life of their dreams. It worked for me and what is possible for one person, is possible for all. I teach people to master their own mindset, energy and work with their intuition so they can create a life in alignment with their soul & what they want the most.

More happy people making money = more abundance, balance and peace in the world.

Whether you desire to improve your finances, learn to cultivate happiness, activate your intuition for decision-making in your business/with your clients/for your family, or if you want to know how to attract the right opportunities. This is perfect for you.

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In life we receive what we are ready for, that's probably why you are here. I believe that you can attract anything you want no matter your circumstances or story. It's just about being in alignment with life and become magnetic. If you’re ready to MANIFEST, hit that follow button ✨
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