Join the VIRAL money program

Make money your best friend

8-weeks to sacred success : learn to manifest more money and create a better life


Are you always struggling to make money ?

You : "There we go another money miracle program". Yeah. Except this one is really different and will give you value and results. No bullshit marketing and lies, the truth.  


âś… Do you want to get paid doing what lights you up?
✅ Do you want to add 0s to your bank account balance?
✅ Do you want to allow yourself to truly receive money?


✅ Do you want to afford the lifestyle on your vision board?  


✅ Do you want to charge more for your services and offers?


âś… Do you want to give more meaning to your life and this world?
✅ Do you want to be paid for your gifts and passion?
âś… Do you want to create money consciously?


âś… Does money feel very inconsistent and is always leaving just as fast as you get it?
âś… Does your bank account always have the same numbers no matter how hard you work?
âś… Or maybe money comes easily to you but not in the ways that you want it to? (your job, partner, parents, etc.)

If this is you, then you need to know about the invisible world and the energetics of money 

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Have the courage to live a life true to yourself, not what the outside world is expecting of you


If today you only depend on one source of income, a fixed salary, a single pay check at the end of the month, you're gonna struggle. I know, I've been there.

The cost of living increases but your salaries will never increase.

To avoid the struggle, the pain, the anxiety, the limited life and settling for less than what you deserve, I invite everybody to increase their income and make more money.

Staying away from money and playing small will only make you regret things and leave you a bitter taste.

One of the most popular regrets people have is “I wish I’d ​​had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me”.

To help you achieve the life of freedom you desire, only money can give you these options, multiple choices and the most valuable priceless asset ever : time.



  It’s time to...


âś… Stop your money sabotage

✅ Reverse your money brainwashing 

âś… Stop stressing about paying your bills & taxes

âś… Understand the invisible world of money

✅ Stop being ashamed of the money in your bank account 

âś… Break your resistance to receiving more money



Hi love I’m Pauline, the creator of Make Money Your Best Friend

This program is for the people who want to be financially independent.

This hand crafted program combines spiritual, educational & financial coaching that will help you improve your finances, generate more money, create more abundance and keep the money you earn.

Make Money Your Best Friend was designed to help you stop the struggle with your finances, understand how you can attract more money (no you don't need to work hard or buy stocks) and be in alignment with life.

It's time to activate the most abundant version of you. 

I'm here to help you jump from where you are right now to where you know you deserve to be.

Growing, changing and breaking free from scarcity can be scary and lonely. But you don't have to do it all alone ! I'm here for you :)


Make Money Your Best Friend

The first transformational experience where I combine traditional, financial and spiritual coaching tools.

Understand why you are blocking money, learn to completely change your relationship with money, stop stressing about paying your bills,  manifest more money & keep it instead of losing it, become a vibrational match to the money you want, and finally step into your financial power.

You’ve probably never invested in yourself and commit to this course can awake some feelings of fear, doubt and guilt.

"What if I don't deserve all that money. All this abundance. All this power. That’s someone else, not me".

What I say: screw that.
‍Screw t
he pain.

Screw the fear.
Screw the scarcity mindset.

You are on earth for a reason and now it’s your turn to be a generational scarcity cycle breaker !

You are here to play big.


Imagine a life where money is no longer your enemy, but a trusted ally.

This course is your clear path towards achieving this financial freedom that you crave. If you want to get these creative & million dollars ideas, aligned with your soul & needs of the world, join us :)



A 6 modules video course for people who are ready to break the scarcity loop. Each week you will receive a module as addictive as watching the next episode of your favourite serie. You have the opportunity to learn some of the biggest financial, spiritual & life lessons about money I learned from the big names in the industry.


Each video has english subtitles to make sure you understand everything that will be explained. Additional homework, pdf, workbooks, audios and powerful toolkits will also be provided. To help you dive even deeper into this experience and make the most of it. in the near future I will translate this masterclass  in French & Spanish.


Gain the skills and knowledge to not just earn more money and improve your life, but to keep and grow your finances sustainably. Learn how you can positively impact the people around you and the whole world. More happy conscious people making money = more education, abundance and peace. This is the change we are talking about.

FAQ (frequently asked question)